Hot Topics of the Heart

The Gift of Rest is a Sound Mind

Parenting has the tendency to threaten our peace with fear, doesn’t it? There are several ways the enemy can plant seeds of fear into our head, threatening to sink deep into our heart & destroy the peace that Jesus provides. . . . Please join me for the rest of this post, over at Five…

Journey to Rest (Week 3)

On my Journey to Rest, my absolute biggest struggle has been simply letting go. Letting go long enough to REST. The day I read this quote by Corrie ten Boom, the Holy Spirit reminded me of something. The more tightly I hold on to the things that consume my time & energy, the less I…

Journey to Rest ::A Pause::

When I started Bonnie Gray’s book Finding Spiritual Whitespace, I had no clue where my journey would lead me, or what God would speak to my heart.  I did know however, that I wanted to make a blog series out of this book, and share my Journey to Rest with you. My first post told…

Journey to Rest (Week 2)

We often say, “Hindsight is 20/20”, yet do we ever take the time to denounce the false messages we’ve embraced for years? Or do we merely forge ahead without going any deeper, afraid of what might come to the surface? On my journey to rest, Jesus is uncovering some falsehoods I’ve had about myself and…

Journey to Rest (Week 1)

I was eight years old, it was summertime, and oh how I loved to read!  Working in the yard was never my first choice for my summer days, but it had to be done nonetheless.  This particular day, my mom headed out to the yard to work and told me she would let me know…

Finding Spiritual Whitespace (Book Review)

[youtube] As I mentioned before, I am embarking on a journey of rest and would love for you to join me! Starting June 1st, I joined Bonnie Gray on her 21 Days of Rest, Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour.  I am blogging my way through my personal journey of rest, posting once per week…

When Dreams Change

I remember the moment as if it were yesterday.  Standing at the altar of our church, along with others, seeking God, with my hands lifted and heart open to His voice.  As clear as day, it was prophesied over me, that God would use my hands for His glory. I am honored to have been…

Waiting for Help

As I walk this journey of rest (obedience), I find myself, for the first time, learning to ask for help.  I say learning, because I’ve always been one to set a goal, work at it and accomplish it, alone. My career is one where I am the sole admin in an office of engineers, machinists…

Rest Rains Blessings

In a few previous posts I mentioned that God was calling me into a season of rest, to which I’ve been reluctantly following. Don’t get me wrong, my life has been chaotic & busier than ever, yet in the midst of the chaos, I have found deep joy & contentment. You see, when God called…