Our body is a beautiful creation of God, and as the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is crucial we take our healing journey seriously.

Welcome and Thank You,

for including me in your healing journey!

We may not understand why things happen, but I have graciously learned over the years that God either reveals the "why" behind the trials we face, or teaches us understanding as we endure them, yet He always desires to heal us from the pain we have endured.

We have the ability through Christ-Centered Life Coaching to address the unprocessed memories and pain you have endured, and release the negative emotions associated with those imprints. The releasing of these negative emotions through the power of Jesus, frees you to heal from the inside out, becoming whole and walking in joy again, just as God created you to do.


Life is hard

is always good!

Why Coaching?

Through Christ-Centered Life Coaching,
we are able to dive into unprocessed memories to discuss and release stored emotions and limiting beliefs holding us back from emotional, mental, spiritual, relational and even physical healing.

Coaching is great for those seeking to:

  • Enhance spiritual growth.

  • Create and foster healthier relationships.

  • Develop healthier boundaries.

  • Experience more physical and emotional balance.

  • Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.

  • Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.

  • Develop a deeper sense of love and self-compassion.

Coaches Retreat 2024

What clients are saying

Coaches Retreat 2024

About Satin

My name is Satin (think fabric!).  I am a BII THRIVER!! I had my breast implants for over 13 years while unbeknownst to me they were causing severe health issues due to the toxicity they introduced to my body. I explanted in September of 2020 and have been on a journey to regain my health by working with Holistic Health Practitioner and Breast Implant Illness and Detox Expert, Sarah Phillipe. As a result of my efforts I am healthier and happier than I've been in decades!

I am a certified Christ-Centered Life Coach excited to embark on this new journey of helping women heal from past negative events such as grief, loss and various life challenges and disappointments. 

My Social Media Break

Hello Friend! Here’s hoping and praying you had a lovely and relaxing Thanksgiving with your family/friends! I recently had the pleasure of attending Soul Camp 2024, hosted by Jess Connolly & Go + Tell Gals, in the beautiful town of Charleston, South Carolina. (I may have fallen in love and want to retire there one…

My Thanksgiving Prayer for You

My Thanksgiving Prayer for You:   Loving and Gracious God, As we gather in this season of gratitude, I come before You with a heart full of thanks for the wonderful family, friends and clients I have the privilege to love and serve. I am deeply grateful for the relationships we’ve built, for the trust…

Finding Peace This Thanksgiving, Even With a Heavy Heart

Hello Friend, With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I know that for many, this season can feel different-especially when we are missing someone/people we love. It can be difficult to embrace the joy of the holidays when grief weighs heavy on our hearts. If you’re walking through this season with sorrow, I want to…