Why Did I Choose Coaching?
I chosen a certification in Coaching because I have a deeply rooted passion and desire to help women heal from their deepest pain, loss, and negative experiences. Through Christ-Centered Coaching we are able to dive into a deeper view of past negative experiences as well as the emotions, blocks and limiting beliefs holding us back from emotional, mental, spiritual, relational and even physical healing. Through Jesus alone there is healing and I want to coach you to a place of wholeness and healing in Him.

The body is God's beautiful creation and the Temple of the Holy Spirit, making it crucial for us to take our healing journey seriously. Every cell in our body was designed with a purpose and every emotion we experience is stored within the cells and organs of our body. That said, when we experience events of any type (negative or positive), each of those events create an imprint inside our cells and organs that when triggered causes a physical and emotional response. Through Christ-Centered Coaching, we can dive into a deeper view of each imprinted event to uncover the emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding us back from emotional, mental, spiritual and even physical healing.

What makes me Different?
Each Life Coach is unique. I don’t view other coaches as competitors, rather as peers. We all desire to help others heal at a deeper emotional level, and some clients just click better with one coach over another. As far as what makes me different or unique, the bottom line is this: I have personally experienced pain, loss and numerous negative/traumatic experiences in my lifetime, so I can relate to many of the stories my clients have shared or experienced and can attest to the power of Jesus Christ at work in my life.
While I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, I chose a Coaching certification because of how much I believe in it. Through my remote, Christ-Centered Coaching approach, we target healing emotional wounds through Christ which allows me to see clients across the globe, without borders and limitations. Personally, I believe I am made for more and serving individuals globally is part of my vision, so Life Coaching allows me to do more of what I love, with those I choose to serve and with the ease and flexibility I long for in a career.

Coaching is great for those seeking to:
Enhance spiritual growth.
Create and foster healthier relationships.
Develop healthier boundaries.
Experience more physical and emotional balance.
Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.
Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.
Develop a deeper sense of love and self-compassion.
How does it work?
Each time you have a significant emotional event, your body produces a unique cocktail of hormones, neurotransmitters, and emotions that can be stored within the cells. Your body remembers this specific blend and can be prompted to again release that unique combination of chemicals and emotions when presented with a trigger. This can create a positive or a negative experience, much like the smell of the perfume of a loved one creates a warm feeling inside or, conversely, a barking dog causes sweating or shaking in someone who was previously attacked.
Most of these imprints are stored deep within the subconscious memories of the cells, so we are unaware that they are draining our energy and directing us to detrimental and limiting beliefs and behaviors. Often, we do not know what the original event was or make the connection with how we were feeling at that time. We just feel the impact and imbalance of the chemicals and emotions flooding our systems and our feelings and
behaviors suffer as a result.

What to expect:
The first Initial Coaching Intake session begins with the client having filled out the intake form ahead of time and then discussing with the Coach in-session. Through discussion, the Coach will identify client's intention/goal, and then determine where to start with the coaching process.
Essentially, there are six different steps we will address throughout our work together. Each session will consist of a total of 60 minutes, with 45-minutes spent discussing the current step, and the last 15-minutes spent discussing action steps and scheduling next session. Each client's intentions are different, so some steps may take longer than the allotted 60-minutes until the client is satisfied with their knowledge, understanding and growth on said step.
My coaching style is not passive. For the coaching to be effective there must be active participation. At the end of every session, the client will be given home activities also known as Action Steps to work on independently. These action steps will include, but are not limited to:
- Reciting the set intention daily
- Meditating on a scripture from the Word of God
- Journaling (written or verbal)
- Written goal-setting
- Written assignment questions to reflect on and answer
- A guided prayer
- Book reading-assignments
Please note: Action Steps will be tailored to each client, keeping in mind the intention/goal desired as well as the client's personal approach to learning and acclimation. For example, some clients do not and won't journal, so that modality would never be something assigned.
Also note: I am not a counselor, nor therapist so occasionally I may feel the need to recommended the client attend a counseling session with client's pastor or therapist in order to proceed with coaching. This recommendation may be deemed important to ensure necessary healing for proper growth through the coaching process.