Journey to Rest (Week 6)
I sat across the table, enjoying lunch with one of my best friends as tears streamed down my cheeks, “I’m struggling and I don’t know what to do. My attitude sucks and I know it, but I can’t seem to snap out of this funk. I’m miserable.”
She lovingly shared some of her own advice on how to cope and encouraged me to change my perspective. Later she sent me this quote via text:
“Life is ten percent what happens to you
and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
Lou Holtz
Truth be told, several of my dreams are right in front of me, yet still intangible. It’s like looking through the window at your favorite dessert, yet being unable to consume it. That’s where I am right now and it is quite a struggle for my restless heart as I attempt to rest in Christ & trust His timing. It challenges me as I daily fight having a bad attitude and being angry at my lack of understanding for God’s “not now” to my intangible dreams.
The quote my friend shared, opened my eyes to see that here I am: smack dab in the middle of my personal “storm”, focusing on the storm and not the Son.
Realizing this, I looked up and focused on the Son; quieting my heart and Resting in Him. As a result, He placed three hurting friends into my life, (the very next day), to whom I could speak Truth and encouragement!
“Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth.
Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy. ”
Philippians 4:8
As I was praying with one of my friends, the Holy Spirit gave me the visual image of a woman flailing her arms frantically in the middle of the ocean, to which He spoke, “The more you fight, with arms flailing, the harder you make it for me to reach out & rescue you. Rest in me & as you rest, I will rescue.”
Friend, so many times we try to “help” God rescue us or others we care about.
- We react to an accusation, fumbling to defend ourselves, when silence is all God’s asking, because He wants to be our Defender.
- We go, go, go, fighting rest & focusing on our “to do” list when He longs for us to sit alone with Him, so He can be our Restorer.
- We flail our arms frantically looking for someone to rescue us from the pain, when He wants us to rest in Him so He can be our Healer.
- We search in all the wrong places for affection, when all the while He desires to show us His perfect, unwavering love as our Lover.
Life is full of storms, some worse than others. It isn’t until we stop our flailing arms, lift them in full surrender & rest in Jesus Christ that He can rescue us. When we stop trying, stop fighting & start trusting Jesus, He does His most beautiful work in us. Until then, all we do is hinder His rescue.
What storm is brewing in your life, how are you handling it & how can I pray for you?
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Satin Pelfrey
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You are so right – when we stop trying and surrender to Him that is when He does His best work in us. Sometimes it is really hard to let go of control, but I find it gets easier with practice.
I was in this same stormy funk as summer began and I had to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with myself and my Three Best Friends – I had to reset my compass, put on my big girl boots, and move forward. I am very grateful I did because I’m a much nicer to person to live with now (says me)!!!!
ha ha! love it! thank you for sharing your own experience! it’s so encouraging to know we’re not alone & that there are others, coming along side us on our journey! love it! love to you! 😉 ♥
This is just what I need today. Beautifully written truth from a humble heart. Thank you. I love this line: “When we stop trying, stop fighting & start trusting Jesus, He does His most beautiful work in us.” I’m so glad I stopped by!
I can relate to #2 and #4 on your list. I keep myself busy, to avoid the pain, or the truth, and find myself running from His presence. Like that will make it better, not! And I also find myself looking for affection in the approval of man or things that I do. I am thankful that I am already approved in Him, and that His love for me is endless. Sending you a big internet hug.
Love you friend! Appreciate your prayers & support. So nice to share this journey with your understanding heart! ♥
Satin, I’m looking forward to seeing you soon so we can catch up and so I can give you a great big hug. Love you, friend. Holding you in prayer. xoxo
looking forward to spending time together! love you! xo
Love that Lou Holtz quote! I know what you mean about feeling like something could happen at any moment, but you don’t know which moment. It is hard to sit back and wait.
Oh boy I love this! And that visual.
When I was trying to rest this year, God kept giving me a visual of tornadoes brewing all around me. But there I was running for my life from them and yet calm. Weird huh? God was telling me the storms are brewing, but in HIM I was safe. He was SO right, I’m finally making my way on the other side and I keep Him there the whole time, protecting and blessing me even though life was hard.
Keep hanging in there sweet sister, you will make it through soon enough!