Satin Pelfrey

Finding Mommy Bliss

Today, I would like to introduce you to my friend Genny Heikka.  I am honored to be part of her “Finding Mommy Bliss Team”, where we were given a digital copy of Finding Mommy Bliss before it was available for purchase!  What an awesome resource this book is!  In Finding Mommy Bliss, Genny encourages Mamma’s &…

Love Heals All

“Time heals all things” “It just takes time” Society often uses these phrases when consoling someone during a time of grief. However, as nice as those phrases may sound, I have come to realize that while it does take time for healing to take place, it’s not actually the time that heals, it’s Love {Jesus}.…

Reveling in "Wait"

As I embrace this season of “wait” & “rest”, the Holy Spirit gave me this understanding and I could hardly wait to share with you! Wherever you might be on your journey, may you join me in reveling in the here & now. May you look up to Christ, and focus on Him, rather than…

Rest is a Choice

As I’ve mentioned before, God has called me to a season of REST, yet I am continually bombarded with more things to keep me busy! So I simply ask God, “Why, if you are calling me to REST, is my life getting busier?” What I hear in response is simply, “REST, Child. REST” Then it…

Take My Yoke

As I’ve mentioned before, God has called me into a season of rest, which is definitely a challenge to obey!  However, during this season, as I read Matthew 11:28-30 I find comfort, in a whole new way, so I’d like to share with you! In my graphic above, I’ve highlighted the key words that spoke…

This is Only the Beginning

We pull up to the house and it looks pretty basic, yet appealing to the eye, & it’s located in a neighborhood we’ve always loved. As we wait for our realtor, we have no idea what to expect once she opens that door. She unlocks the door and we walk in… Beauty Awe Amazement Surprise…

When You've Got Nothin'

Lately, I’ve found myself at a loss for words with my writing. Well, maybe not completely at a loss for words, but they aren’t flowing as frequently as they have been and I just keep thinking “I’ve got nothin’ to say”. I’ve been wrestling with this issue because after all, how can a writer write…

When Healing Hurts

I have some friends who are going through some very difficult times as they maneuver through healing & growth.  Watching them agonize over the pain involved, in God putting the broken pieces back together, is a lot like watching a doctor reset a broken bone: it looks and hurts like hell, yet has to be…

Jesus in You

I recently read a passage out of Luke Chapter 1 that really jumped out at me: “And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among…