I Am Known
“You are too much…”
“You are not good enough…”
“You are too sensitive…”
“You are not sensitive enough…”
“You are too fat…”
“You are not toned enough…
“You are too deep…”
“You are not fun enough…”
“You are too short…”
“You are not pretty enough…”
I’ve heard it all, in various forms, my entire life.
I’m working through the newest “STRONG” devotional, by Lisa Bevere, and in Chapter 2 she says something that hits me at my core:
The confidence He gives us reaches deeper than we even know how to let anyone touch. It’s more than just the window dressing or filter or a new accessory. It is the deep, warming glow that comes from the knowledge that we are loved and known deeply.
-Lisa Bevere | STRONG Devotional | Chapter 2
We are loved and known deeply. Let those words sink in, my friend.
I don’t know about you, but I have spent my entire life longing for people to just accept me as I am, appreciating the beautiful right alongside the work-of-progress called Satin Pelfrey. I’ve found myself continually betrayed, hurting and alone. It seems as though very few people can actually handle seeing me as a flawed work-in-progress. When the beautiful isn’t in view, and all they see is messy, I become “too much” or “not enough”, they toss me to the side and move on.
I have baggage, don’t you? No, no, no… not the pretty bright, floral baggage that distinguishes yours among the drab blacks, greens and greys, sauntering down the airport conveyor belt. I’m talking about the baggage each of us carry into every life relationship: childhood traumas, marriage disappointments, failed dreams, broken promises, infertility, losses and betrayals. The kind of baggage that leaves us with the choice to either allow it to define us, or refine us. To break us or to make us. To make us bitter or make us better. I have that kind of baggage and a LOT of it, but by the grace of God, here I am.
Joyce Meyer’s, says in her book “Healing the Soul of a Woman”
Anything we give to God will never be wasted. He takes the broken pieces of our lives and makes beautiful things. He gives us beauty for ashes. Elizabeth Elliot said, “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends with ashes.”
-Joyce Meyers | Healing the Soul of a Woman | Chapter 4
My hearts desire has always been, that all of my life, baggage included, would be used by God, for His glory. I want Him to bring beauty from ashes. I want healing and wholeness, joy instead of mourning, restoration instead of brokenness. I just want Jesus to take all the pieces that are me, and put them back together, better and more beautiful than ever before, like only He can do!
A friend recently said something to me a few different times until it finally sunk in:
If I expected that it was my role to fix your problems for you, I would surely fail. But that is not my job. My job is to LOVE you through your trials, to stand with you in them, to comfort and encourage you. It is the Lord’s job to bring solution friend, and you are not too much for Him. Past friends who felt like you were too much were not in the right position. They failed you because they saw things from the wrong position.”
-precious friend
There are a few things the Lord is showing me, in all of this and I’d like to take the time to share these things with you, to give you HOPE in Him and His amazing plan for your life.
1) People run from truth and change because it’s uncomfortable. So when our messy gets uncomfortable for someone, instead of pausing long enough to look in the mirror and adjust their own lives, they run from the truth (not us), because doing so stops the reminder of the changes necessary in their own life. I don’t say this with judgment, rather with compassion, because I see God at work in each of us and believe that He will do whatever it takes to get our attention, so when we run the first time, He just keeps lovingly pursuing us until we finally surrender.
2) Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing in our lives is ever wasted. When God allows pain into our lives, it always has a purpose. Our challenge is to seek Him for that purpose and to trust Him in the process. (Romans 8:28)
3) While we may feel broken, and while Jesus uses some trials to break the hardened parts of our hearts, we are never fully broken to the point of being unfix-able. We are only ever broken with a purpose and that is to draw closer to Jesus in our brokenness, acknowledging our need for Him, His strength and His healing. Jesus desires nothing more than to trade beauty for ashes! (Isaiah 61:3)
4) No one can ever take the place of Jesus in our lives. Not our spouse, parent(s), family, friends or children! Jesus has to be number one in our lives at all times. When our priorities are out of alignment with Him, we start to fail in many areas of our lives because we are clinging to the wrong person, expecting them to fulfill the void in our hearts. We lean on the wrong person to make us fill loved, validated and secure, when Jesus is the only One who can purely and unconditionally love, validate and assure us of our identity in Him. Putting Jesus first, allows Him to speak Truth into our hearts, that no one on earth can discount, because Truth is absolute and Jesus is the Author of Truth. (John 14:6)
5) Who we are is no surprise to Jesus! He created us, knows our flaws and failures, yet still calls us friend! The imperfections we see, are only temporary! He created us with gifts that when surrendered to Him, change those failures into triumphs and flaws into strengths! His greatest desire, is for us to live a life fully yielded to Him, remaining a ready vessel for Him to use for His glory, as we grow in likeness to Him.
We are known and we are loved by the Father who created us, knit us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13), calls us by name (John 10:3), redeems what the enemy meant for evil and turns it into good (Genesis 50:20-21).
So today, let’s combat the lies misspoken to us, with God’s Truth and walk in HOPE of all He has in store for us:
I am LOVED (Jeremiah 31:3)
I am a child of the King (2 Corinthians 6:18)
I am KNOWN (1 Corinthians 8:3)
I am created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27)
I am HEALING (Jeremiah 17:14)
I am not broken (Isaiah 41:10)
I am GROWING (2 Corinthians 3:19)
I am a work in progress (2 Corinthians 4:16)
I am ENOUGH (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
I pray these words encourage your heart and spur you into a deeper walk with Jesus. Lean into Him my friend, He knows us and loves us more than anyone else ever could!
#trulyblessed #trulygrateful #butGod #gritandgrace #strongbraveloved
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Satin Pelfrey
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Sweetheart, I have read it all and I to can relate to much that you have written. What you have written is so uplifting to me. I thank you so much for sharing this with me. God is always with us And he loves us completely. He is always with you and your mother is also looking over you . You will  never be alone. Also I will always be here for you. Your writing is so unflawed, I hope you write thatBook someday. I love you with my wholeheart and always will.xoxoxox
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