Satin Pelfrey

Pearls and Pigs

How do I forgive and avoid bitterness, while guarding my heart and setting healthy boundaries?

Jesus Smiles

How many times do we fail to see Jesus smiling at us, when we look into the mirror? He loves us more than anything...

Blessings Without Toil is not without much pain and great loss that we have seen the hand of God working in such beautiful ways.

Loving Well

Loving well is sowing seeds in the lives of those we love the most. Listening. Caring. Encouraging. Praying.


He has given me all I need (and more) to not just get through this difficult time, but to grow through this time and ultimately for Him to be glorified through it all.

He’s a Good, Good God

Life has been hard. Really, really hard. The kind of hard that people stop showing up for and just walk away from.

A Legacy of Life

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Today, I Choose Joy

When life rains times of trouble, pain and heartache, I Choose Joy because the joy of the Lord truly is my strength.

Life is Complex, but Jesus is Complete!

We’re approaching the one year anniversary of my Daddy’s entrance into Heaven April 11th, 2016. On one hand it’s hard to believe a full year has passed, while on the other hand, it seems like just yesterday he was here laughing and giving words of wisdom and advice. I miss him more than I ever…