These "Uncertain Times"
Friend, I come to you with a very heavy heart for you and everyone in our world today.
The phrase “Uncertain Times” keeps spreading around, like the Covid-19 virus itself, yet I honestly believe it’s more damaging to our society than the actual virus itself, because it spreads fear!! Please, let me explain.
Since when did challenging times alone become defined as “uncertain times”? As believers in Christ, how have we become so accustomed to the phrase, that we have willingly adopted it ourselves, as part of our every day vocabulary? When did we stop seeing LIFE itself as the biggest uncertainty of all?
There are only a few things we can be certain of, in our life, here on earth:
- We are born
- We are called to glorify God in our everyday lives
- Our days are numbered by God alone
- God is in control
- We die on earth, to live eternally with God
We do not know how long our lives will be, what we will accomplish, become, or when we will meet God face to face! This makes our life one of complete and utter uncertainty, thus making it imperative that we trust God completely and wholly with our lives!
Fear is the only thing that causes us to grab onto uncertainty and ride it like a terrifying roller coaster in the night! Fear is the only thing that paralyzes us from walking in the calling God’s placed on our life! Fear is the only thing that keeps us from seeing each challenge as a way for God to be glorified!
FEAR: It’s a big, bad ugly demon, seeking to devour any who will succumb to it’s powerful threat, and trust me, it is powerful, but it is only a threat and it has no power unless it is fed!
My friend, this is not merely “a time of uncertainty,” this is a time when we are all facing the realization of our own mortality and in doing so, are faced with the choice to either have faith, or walk in fear!
But it’s a choice!
We either choose to embrace the truth that we are here for such a time as this, fulfilling our purpose on earth, and therefore won’t die “early” because of a virus, disease, or accident. OR we choose to embrace the lie that fear is telling us we’re going to die unexpectedly from a virus, disease or accident. Don’t get me wrong, choosing to believe truth, doesn’t mean life is easy, nor that we won’t be surprised by what God allows into our life. Bad news always threatens to steal our JOY and PEACE. But when we choose to put our HOPE in God alone, He gives us the joy and peace we need to endure the challenge(s) at hand withOUT fear!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
I want to challenge you to join me on a mission of HOPE! As we embark on this life journey God has placed us on together, may we cling to Him, as He guides our every step. May each challenge we face, be met with FAITH in God to work the impossible, heal the broken (whether that be earth side, or heaven side), mend the hurting, and restore HOPE in Him. May we stop looking at each challenge as an uncertainty, binding us in chains of fear, and start walking in the freedom that comes from FAITH and HOPE in a God who moves mountains to rescue His children!
When we choose to walk in FAITH and HOPE, we silence the lies of fear that bind, and set ourselves free to be vessels of hope for others in need of this same message.
I am praying you sense the Father’s arms around you today, and always, as you face each challenge in your life. As my dear friend Jill prayed over me today, “I pray that whatever the enemy wants to use for evil, God would continue to turn it to good – as He has so much in your life lately. You may have an enemy who wants you sad, broken and defeated. BUT, even more, you have a Father that loves you fiercely as His precious child. He’s already won the battle for you! And He’d do it a thousand times over to show you how much He cares. I pray He keeps your eyes continually open to His great Kingdom and the overwhelming victory you have in Him.” {Dr. Jill Plentl}

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Satin Pelfrey
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Amen Satin. Such now words. Our Father has us in His powerful hands of Grace.
Love and blessings,
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