My Heart His Words

Friday Fun Fact #8

Happy Friday, Friend!
It’s time for Satin’s Friday Fun Fact!
Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? It seems like this entire year has flown at record breaking speed and I’m left trying to figure out how we got to late November already!  Anyone else?
Well, I have a funny Thanksgiving story to tell you!
I love pumpkin pie myself, don’t you; or is apple pie your favorite?
Well, my dad never liked pumpkin pie!
Every Thanksgiving my mom would make a sweet potato pie because my dad prefered sweet potato pie. We all loved it!
It wasn’t until I was an adult that my mom divulged that my dad’s stepmom had never told him that she didn’t use sweet potatoes – rather she used yams “because they’re sweeter.” Now, I googled that “fact” and it appears to be the opposite: Sweet potatoes are indeed sweeter than yams. However, when my mom used sweet potatoes to make my dad a pie he didn’t like it, yet when she used yams he loved it. Go figure!
So… I grew up thinking I was eating sweet potato pie, but was actually eating yam pie! Silly, right?
What is one of your favorite Thanksgiving pies? I’d love to hear in the comments!
Much Love,

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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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