New Years Resolutions
I hate New Years Resolutions… wanna know why? Because to me, they feel like giant failures before they ever begin! I’ve set resolutions in the past and failed miserably, so eventually just stopped making them! Who wants to go around feeling like a failure all year? 😉
However, as I learn & grow in my walk with God, I’m coming to understand that one of my biggest problems is my ideal of perfectionism. I expect perfection in my life & when I fall short, I feel like a failure. The problem with this ideal of perfectionism, is that it’s set to my own standards & not God standards or desires for my life. How can any of us succeed unless we’re walking hand in hand with our Maker?
That being said, I’m going to make some resolutions/goals/focus points that I believe God has placed on my heart for 2014. Some are personal, some are spiritual & some are mental, but regardless, they are mine because God has laid them on my heart.
1) Let go & Let God. This sounds a little “high & lofty”, but all I mean is that I’m focusing on letting go of a lot more in my life. Proverbs 3:5-6
- Not committing to as many things Colossians 3:23
- Asking for help instead of trying to be Super Woman Psalm 34:4
- Having realistic expectations of myself Philippians 3:14
- Choosing my battles carefully-letting go of the rest 1 Samuel 17:47
- Finding beauty in chaos & not stressing during chaos Isaiah 61:3
- Warmly embracing those I love, who love me back Ephesians 4:2
- Gently letting go of those I love, who don’t or can’t love me back Micah 6:8
2) Stick with an exercise program. With trying to get pregnant & knowing I’ll gain weight during pregnancy, I really want to get in shape & be healthy. I don’t need to lose much weight, I just need to tone up!! I’ve already started this-so my goal is to stick to it! 🙂 1 Corinthians 6:19
3) Save money for the house down-payment! This year we had to lay aside money for Tyler’s vasectomy reversal, so that cut into our house fund! Matthew 25:20-21
How about you? Set any resolutions/goals/focus points for 2014? I’d love for you to share!
Happy New Year~May God’s richest blessings be yours!
Satin Pelfrey
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