My Heart His Words

My Gifts

Today I’m linking up on God-Sized-Dreams, where we are sharing what our God-given gifts are & to be honest, talking about my personal gifts feels prideful & unacceptable!  However, I am learning {slowly it seems} that the longer I squelch my gifts, by not verbalizing what they are, the more comfortable I become not using them the way God designed for them to be used!

These are the God-given gifts that I am both blessed & challenged with them. You see, with every gift, comes great responsibility!

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required;” Luke 12:45

When looking at the life of someone else, this very list can become a thing of envy & jealousy, while we never fully understand the struggle behind the gift.  You may look at my list and wish you were able to multi-task, or organize better. However, all you see here is the word… what you don’t see is the struggle behind those gifts!  I’d like to give you a closer look at my gifts.


In my own hands, I encourage in ways God didn’t intend for me to encourage-possibly encouraging a person to do something God is not calling them to do (even if it’s not bad!).  In the hands of my Father, I am able to encourage using Godly wisdom & Scripture to speak Truth & Love.


In my own hands, I create things that are short term, useless & a waste of my time. In the hands of my Father, I use my time wisely to create things that have lasting meaning & are used by God.


 In my own hands, I fight for constant structure, but in the hands of my Father, I can embrace whatever He places in my life-regardless of how unfamiliar it may feel.


In my own hands, I fight to be heard & fail to write from my heart & God’s Word.  In the hands of my Father, I write from a place a vulnerability, a place where Jesus meets me & uses my heart to express His Word.


In my own hands, I love people who can’t love me back & get hurt when that’s the case. In the hands of my Father, I can love people who don’t love me back, without expecting anything in return: unconditional love.


In my own hands, I multi-task until I work my body into a tizzy, but in the hands of my Father, I can embrace one task at a time-remembering that He only gives what we can handle… the rest is not of Him!


In my own hands, I can abuse grace, giving it to people who have broken my trust time after time. In the hands of my Father, I can see my own worth, I can embrace forgiveness, while setting healthy boundaries and reserving grace for when God calls me to give it!


In my own hands, I offer to help, when I have no time to give! In the hands of my Father, I’m able to discern the type of help I can offer! Quite often prayer is the best help I can offer!


In my own hands, I can misuse understanding, offering it in times when God is calling me to speak up & share truth or confrontation about an issue. In the hands of my Father, I am able to give understanding while sharing truth in a loving manner.

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I share my gifts with you, in an effort to challenge you to start looking at your own gifts! Whatever they may be, as prideful as you think you are by sharing them, remember that pride is the only thing standing between us holding on to or sharing our gifts!  Our gifts are nothing when left in our own hands, but are everything in the hands of our Loving Father!

You are a gift with many gifts… use them all for God’s glory!


God Sized Dreams


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  1. Alecia on February 11, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Well said, Satin. When we can embrace our gifts and give them back to God, he does immeasurably than we can hope or imagine. Your gift of encouragement is such a blessing, you are using it well! Love you, friend

    • Satin P on February 11, 2014 at 11:25 AM

      {tears} the true gift, is watching Jesus USE each of my gifts. I’m so humbled & blessed! Love YOU, sweet friend! ♥

  2. Beth (@SimplyBeth3) on February 12, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    I love how with each gift you reminded of us the gift was given to us by God and when we place it back in God’s hands it will be used for His glory. Good stuff, Satin.
    Much love,

    • Satin P on February 12, 2014 at 4:01 PM

      His gift, His dream, His glory! Love your heart & appreciate your encouragement! ♥♥

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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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