Satin Pelfrey
Garden: Where Aphids don't belong
Today I’m joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her 5 minute Friday where we’re given 5 minutes to write. No editing, no fluffing, no second-guessing. {START} Aphids: those nasty white flying bugs that get all over plants & kill them. I hate them! This past weekend, I took some time to rescue a very precious plant from…
He's got this
Ever have those panic feelings when your world is falling apart? Are you feeling overwhelmed, out of control, scared or lost? Wouldn’t it be nice to hear God’s audible voice saying “I’ve got this!”? Well, we may not hear it audibly, but we can certainly read it throughout His Word! King David says, “You hem…
My Gifts
Today I’m linking up on God-Sized-Dreams, where we are sharing what our God-given gifts are & to be honest, talking about my personal gifts feels prideful & unacceptable! However, I am learning {slowly it seems} that the longer I squelch my gifts, by not verbalizing what they are, the more comfortable I become not using…
Perfection Not Necessary
Ever have a day when everything seems to be going wrong & all you want to do is crawl back in bed & claim a “do-over”? I DO! There are days when I wake up feeling off & my day just seems to follow suit. My skin is less than “cover-girl” ready, my hair is…
My God-sized Dreams Backstory
Tears are forming in my eyes as I sit here tonight writing this. Originally, I deleted my scheduled post because I just didn’t feel brave enough to share the backstory to my God-sized Dreams. But here I am, shaking in my slippers & praying God can use my testimony to bless & encourage you. When…
I can't sit still!
Last evening I learned a beautiful lesson from my six year old stepson. After coming home late from work, I walked in the door & received a hug hello, to which I asked my typical, “How was your day, Bub?” He hung his head & barely above a whisper I could hear his response, “I…
When I'm weakest, He is strongest
I just finished reading a post by my friend Alecia, who wrote “The Secret No One Tells You“for God Sized Dreams & you absolutely must take five to go read it for yourself! Alecia really struck a nerve in me when she said, “But honestly, I can get so caught up in chasing my dreams…
Behind the Scenes
Today, I’m over at “Behind the Scenes” where we take a photograph & tell the story behind it. Mom & Me on My Wedding Day 9.10.2011 This is my beautiful Mother hugging me after I’d made my vows to my husband, Tyler. September 10, 2011: The day I married Tyler, became a Step Mamma, made…
What's Next?
The planner in me, is forever asking “What’s next?” After a great success, I rarely take much time to celebrate or even rest before I’m off & running to the next project, task or goal. “Go, go, go!” is just how I’m wired! Right now, my life is filled to the brim. I work a…