My Heart His Words
you were born for such a time as this

You Were Born For Such A Time As This

Hello Friend!

The Biblical story of Esther has always meant so much to me, so I would like to take a moment to focus on it.

Esther wasn’t raised by her parents, as they had both died, so instead she was raised by her Uncle Mordecai. This part of her story isn’t one that’s typically discussed much when taught in church so I’d like to pause here and point something out:

Esther was an orphan; she lost both her parents and was raised by her Uncle!

This key point of Esther’s story is worth diving into because it lays the foundation for the type of woman God chose for His glory and the good of others. When Esther’s parents died, she could have justifiably shrunk back in pain, allowing herself to be swallowed up by it, versus healing from the loss and watching God redeem her story.

I relate wholeheartedly with tears of joy.

After losing my dad in 2016, then losing my mom in 2019, I litearly uttered the words “I feel like an orphan”, although I was 40 and married raising a familiy of my own when my mom passed. I remember those dark days as if they were just yesterday, yet God carried me through and has brought me out on the other side.

Back to Esther:

Esther’s Uncle Mordecai heard Haman setting a plot to kill the Jews and so he knew the best way to get the message to the King was for Esther to relay the message herself, as the Queen. Esther knew the rules of the palace were such that unless the King invited her into his chambers to meet with him she could be killed for entering on her own. However, Esther knew that the time was NOW to go before the king, which is where we read these well-known words:

“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14 ESV

But this is not all that Esther boldly proclaimed, rather it is only the beginning!  She didn’t just walk into the King’s chambers with her information and request to save the Jews; she PREPARED!

“Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.Esther 4:15-16 ESV

It is one thing for us to know we have a calling on our lives, another to answer the call and yet another to PAUSE and PREPARE for the calling God’s placed on our lives. Without Esther’s prayer and fasting, it is highly probable, based on the rules of the palace, that she would have been killed. #butGod prepared the heart of the king to receive the word Esther brought before him. Not only did the king hear Esther, but he listened and he took action! 

That my friend, is the power of prayer and fasting! God desires men and women who are boldly and courageously walking in faith and obedience to Him and the call He’s placed on their lives.  Will YOU answer that call boldly and courageously?

I am personally answering our Pastor’s call to Pray & Fast for America, President Trump & Israel this week as we prepare for the 10/12/24 A Million Women March happening in DC.  Although I cannot personally attend A Million Women, I do have clients and friends attending + a large group of women and men from Mercy Culture will be attending.



REFORMATION within America – a turning back to God

PRESIDENT TRUMP – that he will surrender his life to God

ISRAEL – for its protection and to turn back to God

America needs Jesus

Trump needs Jesus

Israel needs Jesus

P.S. If you would like to learn more about Mercy Culture, and/or listen/watch sermons you can do so HERE. To learn more about + possibly attend, or support A Million Women March in DC click HERE. Much Love,


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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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