My Heart His Words

Rise and Shine!

Renewed Daily - Recommendation SaturdayHappy Saturday, Friend!

Today I’m coming to you via Shelly’s “Recommendation Saturday” Link-up.

Here’s hoping this finds you having woke up with a smile on your face!
For those of you with crusties in the corners of your eyes (like me), impatiently tapping your fingers on the counter as your coffee pot brews your favorite cup: Rise & Shine! 🙂

this is the day psalm 118.24

I don’t know about you, but I don’t wake up chipper. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not grouchy, but I’m not all sunshine & rainbows at 6:00 am!

I remember as a child, when my mother would wake me up for school; she was always so chipper as she walked in declaring “Rise & Shine!”{Ugh!} I hated how chipper she was that early in the morning, every single morning! I’d grumble & roll out of bed, dress myself & slowly shuffle to the kitchen where my breakfast {♥always made with love♥} sat waiting for my grumpy butt.  Mom would fire off pleasant conversation, while I sat there slowing eating my grapefruit and wishing I were in bed.

One day I got sassy enough to ask her why she had to be so chipper. then told her that she was clearly a morning person & I was not.  Unfortunately, I don’t recall her response (it’s been a few moons ago) but I do believe, after years of knowing her now, that her response was likely along the lines of Psalms 118:24, because my mom’s outlook on life has always been one that pointed me to HAPPY.  Regardless of the lemons life has thrown at her, she has a God-given gift to make lemonade! 🙂 {I’m so proud to have her for my mom & best friend! xo}

each day is a gift

So today, as you start your weekend, regardless of the crap you went through Monday-Friday, lay it all aside.  Breathe in the reality that today really is a gift to be opened with a smile of gratitude for the One to gave it!

Let today be the best day of your week so far!


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  1. Mary on January 25, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    Sounds like me these days! LOL!

  2. Lisa notes... on January 27, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    It’s no longer Saturday, but since I’m reading this on Monday morning, I’ll just apply it to today. 🙂
    “Breathe in the reality that today really is a gift to be opened with a smile of gratitude for the One to gave it! Let today be the best day of your week so far!”

    • Satin P on January 27, 2014 at 8:37 AM

      Happy Monday, Lisa! Thank you for stopping by! Have a blessed day! ♥

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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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