My Heart His Words

October: Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello Friend!
With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I thought I would address the unfortunate truth that

America’s healthcare system is deeply flawed.


As a Breast Implant Illness THRIVER I am honored to work with women who either got breast implants of their own choice, OR they were encouraged to get them after fighting breast cancer and having a mastectomy.  I have several clients who by the grace of God survived breast cancer, got implants as recommended by their doctors, and ended up with Breast Implant Illness.


I am so thankful for organizations like BISA Non Profit who are fighting for women by educating them on the dangers of implants, as well as advocating for them by working with the FDA and the government to educate the public on the dangers of breast implants.


I am also thankful for Sarah Phillipe of Reversing Breast Implant Illness, who is a BSN, FDN-P & Breast Implant Expert helping women (like myself!) heal their bodies post explant!


Learn more about breast cancer as it’s related to Breast Implant Illness HERE.


Ladies, please consider getting Breast Ultrasound Screening versus Traditional Mammograms. Learn more at HerScan.


Keep Learning

Keep Advocating

Keeping Educating


Love you all!


P.S. Enjoy this little video I created about Breast Cancer and Breast Implant Illness: 


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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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