My Heart His Words

Women Who Changed History Through RADICAL FAITH

Hello Friend!

I grew up believing in the power of a Godly woman’s influence. I am so grateful to have been raised by a God-fearing woman of God + a dad who taught me to be a strong woman of God. 

My parents taught me about the amazing women in the Bible like Esther, Mariam, Hannah, Deborah, Mary, the woman at the well, the women with the issue of blood, Jael, Martha and many others! I grew up understanding we have an important call on our lives, as women, to live for God, marry Godly men and raise our children for God.  

With America being so far away from God at this present day in time, my heart’s cry is for REFORMATION within our country; making the crooked ways straight through repentance and a returning to God.  

I am answering our Pastor’s call to Pray & Fast for America, President Trump & Israel this week as we prepare for the 10/12/24 A Million Women March happening in DC.  Although I cannot personally attend A Million Women, I do have clients and friends attending + a large group of women and men from Mercy Culture will be attending.



We are praying for:

REFORMATION within America – a turning back to God

PRESIDENT TRUMP – that he will surrender his life to God

ISRAEL – for its protection and to turn back to God

America needs Jesus

Trump needs Jesus

Israel needs Jesus


P.S. If you would like to learn more about Mercy Culture, and/or listen/watch sermons you can do so HERE. To learn more about + possibly attend, or support A Million Women March in DC click HERE.


Much Love,


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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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