When I'm weakest, He is strongest
I just finished reading a post by my friend Alecia, who wrote “The Secret No One Tells You“for God Sized Dreams & you absolutely must take five to go read it for yourself!
Alecia really struck a nerve in me when she said, “But honestly, I can get so caught up in chasing my dreams that I forget all about the Giver.”
Umm… hello! This is totally me! I’m struggling to balance it all. I’m tired. I’m frustrated & I’m overwhelmed. Okay, there, I said it. It’s out there. I don’t have it all together, even if it looks like I do!
As I’ve said before, I have a very full plate, so trying to fit one more thing on it, is near impossible. My heart is wanting to blog daily, but my life doesn’t seem to allow for it. I have a career and a half that keeps me busy enough, along with a family, and a home to care for… how do I balance it all?
Then I read Alecia’s post today & a light bulb when on in my head. When I am weakest, He is strongest. I have read the verse from 2 Corinthians 12:9 so many times: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
After 30 something years of memorizing that verse, the truth behind it is just now coming to light for me:
The more I decrease, the more God increases.
As I deplete my own abilities, it enlarges God’s abilities.
As I tire of go, go, going, God delights in me rest, rest, resting.
As I give up, God fights for me.
Only when I feel I have nothing left, can He fill me up again-with all of Him & none of me.
It’s in my emptiness that I find completeness in Him!
Here I am, chasing this writing dream, and here God is, leading the way. However, the lines that too often blur for me, are how much I am pursuing my dream on my own & how much HE is asking me to pursue! It’s easy to blur those lines with the kind of passion I have. However, at this time in my life, writing is not my only responsibility! My full-time job, the “side” business I run with my hubby, helping raise my stepson & caring for our home are all my biggest responsibilities right now. That being said, it’s very important for me to stay in tune with the dream God’s placed on my heart, and keep it in perspective with where I am, and where He will take me. Where He will take me, may not look like my life looks today. However, today, where I am & where this dream is, requires wise stewardship of my time, energy, emotions & priorities.
‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 24:21 NIV
It’s in these times of weakness that He truly is the strongest. I love that! What a beautiful reminder that I really don’t need to “have it all together” in order for Him to use me!
“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”
Psalm 51:17 NIV
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Satin Pelfrey
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I think you and I are on the same wave length! God placed that verse on my heart along with Be Still this morning. I’m trying to pull back some and rest and led Him do the leading instead of me. Too much of a good thing wrecks havoc on my heart and brain after a while 🙂 I Love the truth that we don’t have to have it all together to be loved and used by God, it’s so reassuring!! Beautiful post. I pray you will continue to rest in Him and follow His lead. Love and Blessings to you!!
You are a jewel, Alecia! Thank you so much for the encouragement! Let’s pray together that we can find the balance God desires for us amidst our passion for our dreams! ♥ Love to you, friend! ♥
The Lord is still working on me in this area of my life…balance isn’t easy to achieve in our own strength, but when the Lord leads the way and we follow it happens.
You nailed it! “When the Lord leads the way & we follow, it happens!” SO very true! Love you! ♥
This touched me right where I am. I too am pursuing the dream God gave me of writing, while trying to manage a very busy full-time career, and be a wife, and mother. It can be so hard not to get caught in the trap of comparing myself to others and where they are in their journey and all the wonderful things they are doing. Some days I get so overwhelmed and just cannot see any possible way of doing it all. It is in those days, when I am brought to my knees in surrender, and whisper the most simple of prayers, “Help me Jesus,” that I realign with the fact that it is His dream, and his strength that will make it happen, in His time. That makes all the difference!
Michelle, Thank you so much for stopping in today! It’s difficult isn’t it? But with Jesus guiding us, and if our dream is really His dream for us, then like you said, “in His time” He will do amazing things through our willing hearts!! 🙂 ♥
This has so been on my heart this week. I ask God what my word for the year would be each year and this year the word FOCUS has been coming back again and again. The thing that has hit home with me this week has been that my focus can’t really be on ME…but needs to be on the Lord and what He has for me…how He will work His purpose in my life. So my life verse has risen to the top once again..Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.~Matt. 6:33. Your post just confirms this for me! <3 Thanks…now I'm hopping over to read Alecia's post. 😉
Gay, I love how God works! How He uses others to speak affirmation & encouragement to our hearts when we needed it the most! I’m so grateful you stopped in today & that His words, through my heart could confirm what He’s already spoken to your heart! Be blessed as you FOCUS your eyes on Jesus! ♥