My Heart His Words

Tired of Being Tired – Living (over emotional) or numb is common, it is not God’s best for us!

Are you struggling with being overly emotional?

  • Short tempered with your husband?
  • Constantly yelling at your kids?
  • Crying at the drop of a dime?
  • Sensitive to every little thing said to you?

Are you struggling by numbing your emotions?

  • Slinking into depression?
  • Isolating?
  • Drinking to numb out?
  • Feeding an addiction to numb out?

Ignoring our emotions doesn't make them go away!

Numbing our emotions doesn't make them go away either!

Our emotions are God-given indicators of what need to be dealt with - they aren't to be ignored!

If you're struggling with being overly emotional OR numbing out - this message is for YOU! As women, we ALL need encouragement + tools to navigate our busy lives and find rest in each season!

Let’s start a movement of women Tired of Being Tired and ready to Receive God’s Realistic Rest for Our Soul-Deep Exhaustion!

I would love for you to JOIN my Women’s Emotional Support Group where we will dive into the book Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly.

My heart's desire in creating this Emotional Support Group is to provide a safe space for us to share our stories and struggles while learning through those struggles and coming out of this group Turning our Pain into Empowerment!

HOW: We will meet Via Zoom - a link will be sent & used for every session.

WHEN: For 6 weeks starting July 10th - August 14th, 2024, from 6-7pm CST.


Can't wait to dive in together!


Satin Pelfrey, MBSR™-Practitioner

#mindbodyspiritrelease #thembsrmethod #mbsr #emotionalsupport #tiredofbeingtired #tired #fatigued #women #frompaintoempowerment #healing #rest


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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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