Behind the Scenes
Today, I’m over at “Behind the Scenes” where we take a photograph & tell the story behind it.
Mom & Me on My Wedding Day
This is my beautiful Mother hugging me after I’d made my vows to my husband, Tyler.
September 10, 2011:
The day I married Tyler, became a Step Mamma, made the best decision of my life & I married my best friend~the man God chose for me.
This picture shows the sheer joy of a mother who prayed this day would come!
What this picture doesn’t show, is how my mother walked with me every step of the way:
How she carried me in her womb at a time when she could have chosen otherwise. How she named me & loved me before I was ever born. How she prayed for me, every single day of my life. How she taught me the Love of Jesus & the importance of pleasing Him. How she guided me, using God’s Word. How she sacrificed to make my dreams come true. How she cried as she watched me make choices I would one day regret. How she grieved & prayed for me to see my own worth. How she prayed I would find strength to walk away from the life I was living. How she wondered if she had somehow failed as a mother. How she rejoiced as she saw me finally embracing my self-worth. How proud she was at my academic & career accomplishments. How over-joyed she was to meet Tyler & to watch how he treats me. How grateful she is to see how much Tyler loves & respects me. How satisfied she is to know in her heart I married the right man. No, to the average person, this picture doesn’t say all that, but to me, it does.To me, this picture speaks of the beauty of a Godly Mother’s heart & the beauty of a God who’s Grace is sufficient for me, Who’s love & forgiveness abounds & who’s healing can make something beautiful from something shattered.
The picture speaks of MY Mother, MY best friend, MY prayer warrior & MY inspiration to one day be a Godly mamma myself.
Mom, I’m so immensely grateful God blessed me with YOU. As you have walked with God, you have led by example & it’s through your example that I’ve come to see the kind of woman, wife & Mother I want to be. You see, I learned it all from you. For all you are, all you’ve ever said, given & done; words seem so empty, even meaningless, yet I still want to say, thank you. I love you! ♥
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Satin Pelfrey
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I love this…what a beautiful tribute to your mom. Blessings and hugs to both of you today!
Thank you, Mel for stopping by today. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing Mother. ♥
A simple ‘Thank you’ hardly seems enough to express how you touched this mom’s heart, Bestie. I love you to the moon, beyond & back. ♥♥
That’s precisely how I felt writing this… words just seem so small. I love you to the moon… beyond & back! ♥
great post satin! lovely words for your mom!
btw, have you read lisha epperson at all? i think you would love her posts…she started as a stepmom too…but couldn’t get pg. she is further along in her journey and it has been a very interesting one to say the least. she wrote a 30 series on it in october!
off the top of my head i can’t quote the name of her blog…i’ll get the words tangled. googling her name will bring it up i’m sure.
Thank you for stopping by, Martha. I looked Lisha Epperson up & subscribed to her emails. Thank you for the tip! 🙂 ♥
Your mom is such an inspiration! She is an example to myself and to all the mothers out there of what a mother should be. She has raised you to be a strong women who loves the Lord. I pray I can do the same for my girls. I can only hope to have a wonderful relationship with my daughters as you both have with each other.
Sweet Friend, thank you for your precious note. I am confident of this one thing: you have raised your daughters to love Jesus & to walk in His ways. Taught perfection? No. Taught Truth? Yes. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it! I have no doubt your daughters are influenced greatly by your love for Jesus!! You’re an amazing mamma!! I’m so proud of you! xoxo
Beautiful – the photo, the words, and your Mom.
Thank you, Sam ♥