My Heart His Words

A Call To Obey

I know it’s been awhile, friends, but I am exactly where God wants me to be, and thus the reason my pen has been laid down “for such a time as this”.

I am currently sitting at my work desk with tears streaming down my face because of God’s unfailing love and provision.

When I chose to walk in obedience and quit my job, not knowing when I would collect a paycheck, I had absolutely no idea where it would take me and my family. I chose to obey anyway.

Recently, my husband and I were faced with a huge decision. Our business has grown so much that we are at a crossroads again. Without going into details here, we linked our hands together and prayed. We laid everything at His feet and begged for clarity, open doors from Him and closed doors where He doesn’t want us, as well as peace and provision through it all. There were many tears as we released our fears into His hands and clung to each other not knowing what the future holds, yet knowing the One who holds our future.

That was only a month ago and here we are seeing open doors like never before. He has placed people in our lives who love and respect us so much, that they are helping us in ways we never could dream of asking  It is unbeknownst to us as to why; the only explanation I can come up with is the favor of God is upon us.

I start to say, “we don’t deserve any of this”, when the Holy Spirit prompts me with: “This isn’t about what you deserve, it’s about obedience. You obey: I bless.” It really is that simple, friend.

The other day my precious friend Holley wrote a beautiful post about “The Real Secret of Success” that spoke so deeply to my husband and I, that it felt as if God had given her those words specifically for us, again, “for such a time as this”.

I remember as a child writing 1 Samuel 15:22 “Obedience is better than sacrifice”, yet not fully understanding what exactly it meant. Now I do. Oh how I understand that verse in a whole new way!

You see, I could have continued working my full-time job, collecting the paycheck that made me feel falsely secure, while trying to run and grow our business “on the side”. But that would have meant I was choosing a sacrifice instead of obedience, because God asked me to trust Him and obey, not hold on and wait until it felt safe.

As a result of my obedience, I have watched God bless us in ways I never dreamed. Truly. The number of people who surround us today, supporting, praying for and cheering us on is astounding. The sales God has blessed us with as a result of my obedience and focus on the task at hand, is mind blowing.

I chose to obey then and I’m choosing to obey now. He continues to bless, and for this, I am immensely and forever grateful.

In Obedience,


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  1. Mary Klitzke on October 15, 2015 at 3:19 PM

    Oh, Satin, what a joy to find your post when I opened my e-mail a few minutes ago and read how the Lord is blessing you, Tyler and your business. What a statement of faith and obedience! Your testimony is so encouraging. Thank you for taking the time to share it. May the Lord continue to bless you as you grow your business.

  2. Sharyn Wilbraham on October 16, 2015 at 5:55 AM

    Satin that is such wonderful uplifting news. My heart is genuinely happy for you.
    Yes our Father God is amazingly faithful.
    Obedience is better than sacrifice that’s for sure.

  3. Barbie on November 5, 2015 at 9:51 PM

    Satin, I was so excited to see you pop up in my reader (even though I am so behind in reading my blogs). Thank you for sharing how God has blessed you and your business. He is so good and yes, He always rewards our obedience! Hugs!

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Satin Pelfrey

Satin Pelfrey

Satin is a writer, wife and stepmom encouraging others through the hard days, bringing the Scriptures alive through life-application and drawing them closer to Jesus.

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